Thursday, September 17, 2009

2-D Advertisement: The Person is now the Glorified Self-Image

For this project I decided to forego the use of Illustrator, and instead went with an open-source program known as "InkScape." It's free to use, and has a robust set of features. Somewhat unstable at times, but is overall a great program. For the bitmaps I used Photoshop, while there is certainly an open-source version of this (GIMP, also a great program), I know my way around Photoshop much better.
For this advertisement, let's assume I'm a comedian, whether I'm funny or not is unimportant. I used diagonal lines very strongly. I also took the idea of the curtain from a racing poster that flashed by in the movie Helvetica. From bottom-left to top-right is the double double-entendre of "He's out there, making you think." I chose the princeton font for the sake of being able to see clearly without hiding the curtain. The top-left to bottom-right shines the spotlight on myself, with information on the show at a particular "comedy club." It uses mostly black and white, with splashes of red and yellow.

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